Bluestack is an emulator to run Android applications on Windows and Mac operating systems, so with this blustack you can run Android applications on your computer. immediately wrote to the discussion to get his maximum performance when you play the android way is as follows:

Open regedit, by pressing the windows logo on keybroad + R, then you typing regedit
after its open registry editor next step is you go into keynya Bluestack by means Computer -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> BlueStacks -> Guests -> Android well in this key you can edit to get maximum performance at the Bluestack you.

1. Optimize RAM memory Bluestack
Changing the ram memory in Bluestack you, it is useful so that you can run applications in Bluestack android with no lag when using it, change in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BlueStacks \ Guests \ Android, then you select the key memory, you change conformity with capacity computer ram you have, but I recommend a maximum of 1000 MB of course, because even if you change above 1000 MB, memory will be preserved 1000 MB only.

2. Setting Resolution Bluestack
in order to clear the display when playing the Bluestack, to get the maximum you can change it in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BlueStacks \ Guests \ Android \ framebuffer \ 0 then you select to play a key Fullscreen Fullscreen Bluestack in this handy so that you can play application android-application as a whole, to enable fullscreen you simply change from 0 to 1 only. then the next step is to change the height and width of the screen at you BlueStacks, by selecting key Height for high compose your screen, and select the key width to change the width of your screen, you can change the screen resolution blustacks you according to your screen technology, because at the moment this resolutioni ideally HD (1280 * 720), if you screen is big enough you can also change the resulusinya a Full HD (1920 * 1280) so the greater the BlueStacks resulusi you, then you also will be satisfied in playing Bluestack.

3. Open the file in the computer in BlueStacks
to be able to open the files that exist in the Bluestack dikomputer you, go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BlueStacks \ Guests \ Android \ SharedFolder is there will many sub key option to share files into Bluestack ie 0,1,2,3,4 I recommend not to add key again, because after I tried my Bluestack into error. to be able to share folders, you select from the four choices earlier at this time suppose I want the four sub key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BlueStacks \ Guests \ Android \ sharedfolder \ 4 then you change the key path to the location of the folder you want to share, and the key name to facilitate you in opening the folder that you share, and writable is used if you want to love permissions to edit the files in the folder that you share, select 0 if you want to disable / disable, or select 1, to enable or turn to feel the modified blustack you are by the way, restart Bluestack you, or your computer, then you run the bluestatck you, my advice mgotakatik be careful in your Windows registry because it can cause ERROR / Damage And good luck.

For those of you who have suffered damage to bluestck that are no longer handled by you, do ensuing way, this way only me calm Bluestack repair your all your data and applications will remain secure way as follows:

  1. Press Windows + r> click regedit> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE> Bluestack then delete the file version after that restart your computer.
  2. Then open the master file and choose repair Bluestack wait for it to finish and then restart your computer again, adjust the version with which you want.
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