How to create a strong password is not difficult, just a combination of letters and numbers alone is strong, but strong passwords are not necessarily safe, as might be guessed by a friend or someone else who knows you. Can also be used by other people because you never use the same username and password on websites, blogs or social networks.

In addition to securing a password that is not stolen by people who are not responsible, you should know the privacy and security tips that are in place you use a password. This is done to avoid other people into using your password.

Here are tips to create strong passwords and secure:

  1. Create a password that is difficult to guess. "Password." "123456" or "qwertyuiop" or that one line in the keyboard's date of birth is often used by many users. Though this is very easy to guess passwords and vulnerable are used by many people. Make complicated passwords and other people can not guess. The combination of letters and numbers or characters would normally make it difficult for others to guess.
  2. Use a different password for each service is important. Make sure you have a different password for each online account is important that you have. The wicked will steal usernames and passwords from one site or social networking, and then use it to try to log in to many other sites where you are likely to have an account.
  3. Do not provide password to others. This is very important because a lot of that is because of the close relationship, ultimately providing a username and password to the person who has such a close relationship. But when there is a problem they usually will use that password for things that are negative.
  4. Save your password in a safe place. According to the research shows that they worry too much passwords even be difficult for the user to memorize the password. But do not worry if you have made so many passwords are difficult to remember, make a list and write it down. But make sure you keep the list in a safe place, where the data will not be lost or someone else will find it. If you prefer to manage your passwords digitally, reliable password manager may be a good choice. Chrome Web Browser and many other web browsers have a free password manager.
  5. Establish recovery options. You may never forget your password? Now you should set the recovery options, such as an alternate email address or phone number, which will help provide recall that the password can be reused. Having a recovery phone up-to-date or email address is the best thing you can do to make sure you can get back into your account quickly if there are problems.
I hope these tips useful..
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