Nostalgia certainly a nice thing, a lot of things in the past that we see at the moment, be it the bad memories or beautiful memories with her ex.
Ehh quiet guys is not a matter that we will discuss the former, but Windows 95 that we can access quickly (without the need to install) via Web Browser !.

Basically, this is certainly the OS Emulator, created by Andrea Faulds using DOS Emulator ( Em-DOSBox ) to run applications senderhana (in this case Windows 95) such as Paint, Notepad, Solitaire etc.

To begin with, you can visit this page and select 'Start Windows 95', and then wait for the process to download (which arguably takes a little long) Zip Image Windows 95 for 47MB (131 when uncompress) so make sure you internet connection smoothly to download it.

But keep in mind that this does not come from Microsoft, so the emulator maker is not liable for the risks that occur later if there is an error, so do it at your own risk.

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