How to get backlinks to boost the ranking in the search engine Google seems to still be confused many people. This is actually quite reasonable because in the year 2013 alone there were so many updates algorithms that resulted in many outstanding issues that "it is not necessary backlinks".

Backlink need to rank's something wrong, backlinks still a very strong determinant in the Google algorithm. Even if there are blogs that say they can master a keyword with a new article without backlinks, actually it's not new. From the year 2012 alone is like that, just because they do not pay attention so carried away euphoria unclear.

Who needs friends novice bloggers know, even though it has not given the article page backlinks, but an article page can get a "stream" the reputation of the domain, so without any backlinks even able to enter the first page of Google ....

It just remains to be seen again, how hard the competition of these keywords. If mild competition, then take 1st place also can without backlinks ....

Because of the generally low competition keywords that do not have huge traffic. If traffic is not great, then our blog will not have commercial value. Surely this is not a problem for those who do blogging for fun only. But for those of you who do blogging for money, then of course it needs to visitor traffic ....

So that's where the domino effect, in which no backlinks, then there is no rank, and no equal rank with no traffic, no traffic means no commercial, and commercial means no money coming in.

To get backlinks you can do it yourself or hire a backlink service. So here I want to introduce the first ways that you can do yourself ....

  But before you further, you should be able to distinguish blogs dofollow and nofollow. For that you have to install NoDoFollow in your Firefox browser. So you should first read and know how to create DoFollow blogs. (Do not use chrome to find backlinks this activity)

Getting Backlinks With Blog Commenting Dofollow
This is the most old school technique where you can tether backlinks by commenting on dofollow blogs. To do this you simply do a search in Google keyword BLOG LIST DoFollow 2014. After that you can get backlinks by commenting wear NAME / URL or OPEN ID. Enter the keywords that you target on the NAME column and the link to the URL field.

Disadvantages of this method is, in general, the points page of this blog is low, so you have a lot of comment. In addition, many bloggers "charlatans" who say they blog dofollow nofollow though, so use NoDoFollow previously installed to determine whether it is a DoFollow blog.

Finding Backlinks From Social Bookmark Dofollow
Social bookmarking is a highly recommended source of backlinks. So for competition only light you can submit all your articles to multiple social bookmarking sites. This will create a level indexing your blog is getting better.

Social bookmarking most popular today is the use Drigg platform. Unfortunately this kind of social bookmarking mostly been "closed registration". So please friends googling first social bookmarking functioning .... Who knows who has the latest list of social bookmarking. Because this time I contains a list of social bookmarking that most have been so rubbish.

That is live list below that most of the keyword can only non-rich and not targeted. Which has a list of the excess can be shared for my friends here through facebook comments below ....

Finding Relevant backlinks from websites free blog.
Those who want to install the relevant backlinks, then create a dummy relevant blogs or blog is one way. There are many sites where you can create your own page. The advantage of utilizing these sites is the diversity of the IP address of their server so that it will look very natural without you having to spend money to pay for any server.

Here are some free blog service providers that you can use. Besides this there are several others. Please try yourself:
If anyone is wondering how to use free blogs above, may be googling first how to use.

Hunting With Peek Backlink Backlink Blog Famous or SEO Contest Participant
Well, the problem of the two methods above (social bookmarking and classified ads) is a page backlinks you get really fresh and very low point. If you want to get backlinks that point is relatively high, it is highly recommended to peek backlinks from famous blogs or blogs that are following the SEO contest.

Just visit and enter the URL or URLs famous blog page SEO contest participants completed. Then you will get a series of URL. Is all this URL DoFollow? Of course not, you still have to filter out and try them one by one to find the dofollow.

Wearing Footprint in finding dofollow backlinks
Another technique is the footprint. Each DoFollow blog has its own characteristics. It could be a phrase or sentence that appears on every page. Therefore we can look for other domains using the same platform using the technique footprint.

This is a technique for intermediate bloggers, so it might be a little confused beginner. For starters you should read the first article of Google Search Operators, before the start of practice this Footprint to find backlinks.

Meanwhile, for those who already understand the use of Google search operators can try light practice with tools that have been created by mas Diar and Bro Amos in blogs Learning Footprint

For those beginner bloggers this way is not recommended, because the skill of backlinks is something you have to learn, and master. The only solution I recommend to those business people who are trying to build an online site, but did not have enough time because of busy business offline.Dengan other words the time spent to find backlinks will be much more produce if used to manage business offline.

So to hire the services of backlinks, you can still work offline while observing improvement in ranking of your website from time to time. Of course you can not ask someone to do any work without the cost of services, so please find backlink service that suits your budget at this time. Please googling with keywords BACKLINK SERVICE.

Here I also want to recommend my friend, who is also the admin of this blog to help you find backlinks. After my persuasion long enough (-_-) finally Fritz would also open a special backlink service this businessmen. Please check Fritz deals on cheap backlink service page that he created.

Ok, that's the solution. Please friends began struggling looking backlinknya that can increase your blog rankings.
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