The usefulness of this function is to determine the statement or the value specified requirements and choice of more than one, as in if single. The syntax is:

= If (logical expression, the value is true, if (logical expression, the value is true, if (............))) Maximum 8 IF

Description: for the last parentheses adjusted by the number if available, eg if written 2 means closed parentheses yes 2 Example 1, the IF function with two terms, 3 choices.

If the average value of 0-59, then Enough
If the average value of 60-84, then Good
If the average value of 85-100, the Good One.
                                      Data and forms of writing the formula as follows;

The formula in cell I6 is:
= IF (H6> = 85, "WELL ONCE", IF (H6> = 60, "GOOD", "ENOUGH")

The formula in cell I7 is:
= IF (H7> = 85, "WELL ONCE", IF (H7> = 60, "GOOD", "ENOUGH"))

And so on until the cell I15, use the Fill Handle, drawing cursor (+) at the bottom corner of the cell.
Click hold and drag down to cell I15
Double IF function with 4 requirements 5 choices Example question

Ø If the value of 85-100 exam, then the value of the letter A
Ø If the test scores from 70 to 84.99, then the value of the letter B
Ø If the test scores from 55 to 69.99, then the value of the letter C
Ø If the test scores from 40 to 54.99, then the value of the letter D
Ø If the test scores from 0 to 39.99, then the value of the letter E

View the data and writing the formula below another example if double

Write the formula in cell topmost wrote, then use the Fill Handle like the examples above do not let me confused ... good luck and to further develop themselves adept yaaaaa ...... Other examples

 of data instances Writing numbers formula in cell D6 is

= IF (B6 = "MB25", 250, IF (B6 = "PR80", 750, IF (B6 = "M717", 30, IF (B6 = "MM34", 150.35))))

To add a decimal / zeros on the price, you can click the Increase Decimal, as shown below

 increase of decimal That's how the use of the formula If dual / multi in Microsoft Office Excel is. If you want to read the full tutorial on using the IF function in Excel's formula, can see the following article:

Use of Formula IF Function in Microsoft Excel

IF formula sant function is useful. With hope can be considered as a substitute for learning online courses microsoft excel course there are still many kekuranagan here. Please understand and hopefully useful.